Batu Feringghi : The Best Penang Tourism 2021

Batu Ferringhi is a beach resort northwest of George Town, on Malaysia’s Penang Island. It’s known for water sports and seafood restaurants. Street food, household goods and batik clothing are sold at the seafront night market. Batik pieces are also on display at local galleries and shops. To the west, the Tropical Spice Garden has spice terraces, a bamboo garden and tropical flowers.

Lexis Suite Penang, Batu Feringghi Beach

Here are a number of beautiful beaches to visit on the island of Penang. But if you want to have access to both a long stretch of relatively clean sand within easy walking distance of restaurants and bars, Batu Ferringhi is the best option.

Other interesting places you must visit while in Batu Feringghi:

TeddyVille Museum
Tropical Fruit Farm
Batu Feringghi night market
Chin Farm Waterfall.
Batu Feringghi Hidden Gems.
Yahong Art Gallery

Credit to : Google, Lexis Suite Penang, Viator,, GoAsiaDayTrip, Jordan Lye Photography, TripAdvisor

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